ExpressJS multilanguage: handling multiple languages with route parameters

ExpressJS multilanguage: handling multiple languages with route parameters

To enable multilanguage support in ExpressJS we have to define how our application handles route parameters.

To enable multilanguage support in ExpressJS we have to define how our application handles route parameters.

We can use the following parameter:


which matches a two-letters language code and it's made optional by the ? modifier. An example:

'use strict';

const app = require('expresss')();
const locales = require('./lib/i18n');

app.get('/:lang([a-z]{2})?', (req, res) => {
    let lang = req.params.lang;
    if(locales.hasOwnProperty(lang)) {
      let locale = locales[lang];
      // Passing the current locale to the view

The above route matches site.tld, site.tld/en or site.tld/de. We can define our locales as follows:

'use strict';

module.exports = {
    it: {
      title: 'Ciao mondo'
    en: {
       title: 'Hello world'
    de: {
        title: 'Hallo Welt'