A proposal to WordPress implementors: separate the blogging features from the rest

Recently the Ghost project introduced an interesting issue regarding the future of WordPress itself. WordPress is no longer a simple blogging tool. Today this popular CMS can successfully be applied to several different scenarios and sites. But WordPress is still presenting itself as a blogging tool and this is also a design choice. This choice can't satisfy the specific needs of many users. I think it's time to change.

The solution to this problem is simple: separating the CMS framework from the blogging-specific features. This goal can be achieved by releasing two separate versions of WordPress:

  1. WordPress CMS Framework – This version should be targeted to the widest range of possible use-cases.
  2. WordPress Blogging Framework – This version should be targeted to bloggers.

By separating general and specific cases WordPress can successfully satisfy the overwhelming majority of user's needs. Instead, insisting on being a catch-all can only lead WordPress to get more and more redundant on every new release.

Divide et impera.

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