CSS: to bootstrap or not to bootstrap, that is the question

I'd like to ask you a couple of questions about Bootstrap. Why? Simply put, this popular CSS framework is becoming pervasive and I think we need to make things clear before choosing to use it or not.

Do you actually know what Bootstrap do?

If the answer is negative, then think twice before using it. First, Bootstrap normalizes almost every element of your pages. Second, it creates a series of reusable classes for adding columns, buttons and icons to your layouts. There's nothing wrong with this, of course. But you still need to carefully read the documentation, though.

Do you run a complex web application?

If you simply have a blog or a semi-static one-page site, then you don't need Bootstrap. Bootstrap is designed to manage complex layouts of complex websites. On simpler scenarios, Bootstrap is basically redundant. It's like to kill a fly with a bazooka.

Do you know CSS?

Bootstrap is not that simple. If you've just begun to stylize your first HTML pages, please don't jump on this bandwagon. It may hurt, especially when you have to modify the default layout provided by Bootstrap. You need rock-solid bases first.

Do you have other alternatives?

Alternatives? If you're an experienced CSS developer then you surely know that you can write your CSS code by yourself. The problem is time. But if you're plenty of time, then you have a simple alternative: to not use Bootstrap but stick to your own solutions. Think carefully about it.

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