Encoding HTML entities on web forms with jQuery

jQuery and JavaScript cannot prevent XSS attacks. Period. However, we can make life a little bit harder for malicious users by escaping the markup entered in web forms or, more precisely, by turning special markup characters into SGML entities. Let's see how.

With a simple textarea like this:

<textarea id="text" rows="15" cols="15"></textarea>

we can bind a function to the keyup event that checks for the presence of special characters and replace them with their corresponding entities:

var checkText = function(element) {
		element = $(element);
		var text = element.val();
		var re = /(>|<)+/g;
		if(re.test(text)) {
			element.val(text.replace(re, function($1) {
				if($1 == '>') {
					return '&gt;';
				} else {
					return '&lt;';


$(function() {
		var $text = $('#text');
		$text.keyup(function() {

You can see the demo below.


Live demo

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