Functional programming in Go: an introduction

Functional programming (FP) is a programming paradigm that draws inspiration from mathematical concepts, treating operations as immutable values and applying functions without side effects. While Go is known for its simple syntax and its effectiveness in handling concurrency, it can also be used to take advantage of some of the principles of functional programming. In this article, we will explore the solutions present in functional programming with Go.

Functions as first class

One of the fundamental principles of functional programming is the concept of functions as "first class". In Go, functions are already first-class citizens, meaning they can be treated as variables, passed as arguments, and returned as values of other functions. This feature is essential for applying the principles of FP.

package main

import "fmt"

func sum(a, b int) int {
     return a + b

func main() {
     // Pass a function as an argument
     result := applyFunction(sum, 3, 4)
     fmt.Println("Result:", result)

     // Assign a function to a variable
     multiplication := func(a, b int) int {
         return a * b

     // Return a function as a value
     operation := selectOperation("+")
     result2 := operation(2, 3)
     fmt.Println("Result 2:", result2)

func applyFunction(f func(int, int) int, a, b int) int {
     return f(a, b)

func selectOperation(operator string) func(int, int) int {
     switch operator {
     case "+":
         return sum
     homes "*":
         return func(a, b int) int {
             return a * b
         return nil

Immutability and Purity

FP promotes the immutability of data and structures. Even though Go is not a purely functional language, some immutability concepts can be applied. For example, you can return new values instead of directly modifying them.

package main

import "fmt"

type Point struct {
     X, Y int

func translate(p Point, deltaX, deltaY int) Point {
     // Return a new immutable value
     return Point{p.X + deltaX, p.Y + deltaY}

func main() {
     initialPoint := Point{1, 2}
     newPoint := translate(initialPoint, 3, 4)

     fmt.Println("Initial Point:", initialPoint)
     fmt.Println("New Point:", newPoint)

Map, Filter and Reduce

The map, filter, and reduce operations are common in functional programming and can also be applied in Go. While Go does not provide specific functions for these operations, you can implement them using the language's functions and interfaces.

package main

import "fmt"

// Map
func maFPunc(s []int, f func(int) int) []int {
     result := make([]int, len(s))
     for i, v := range s {
         result[i] = f(v)
     return result

// Filter
func filter(s []int, f func(int) bool) []int {
     result := []int{}
     for _, v := range s {
         if f(v) {
             result = append(result, v)
     return result

// Reduce
func reduce(s []int, f func(int, int) int, initialValue int) int {
     result := initialValue
     for _, v := range s {
         result = f(result, v)
     return result

func main() {
     data := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

     // Map
     squares := maFPunc(data, func(x int) int {
         return x * x
     fmt.Println("Squares:", squares)

     // Filter
     evenNumbers := filter(data, func(x int) bool {
         return x%2 == 0
     fmt.Println("Even Numbers:", evenNumbers)

     // Reduce
     sum := reduce(data, func(acc, val int) int {
         return acc + val
     }, 0)
     fmt.Println("Sum:", sum)

Concurrency and Functional Programming

Go excels at managing concurrency with goroutines and channels. While this isn't strictly related to functional programming, you can use FP principles to write safer and more concise code. For example, avoiding sharing mutable state between goroutines and preferring communication via channels can make code more predictable and easier to reason with.

package main

import (

// Pure function that adds two numbers
func sum(a, b int) int {
     return a + b

func main() {
     var wg sync.WaitGroup
     resultChannel := make(chan int)

     data := []struct {
         a, b int
         {1, 2},
         {3, 4},
         {5, 6},

     for _, pair := range data {
         go func(a, b int) {
             defer wg.Done()
             result := sum(a, b)
             resultChannel <- result
         }(pair.a, pair.b)

     go func() {

     // Gather the results
     for result := range resultChannel {
         fmt.Println("Result:", result)


Although Go is not a pure functional programming language, it offers several features that allow you to apply the fundamental principles of FP. Using functions such as first class, immutability practices, and implementing map, filter, and reduce operations can improve the clarity and maintainability of your code. Additionally, concurrency management in Go integrates well with functional programming concepts, helping you write more robust and scalable code. Exploring the combination of these approaches can lead to efficient and clean solutions in Go development.

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