Go: how to create a SOAP client

Go: how to create a SOAP client

In this guide, we'll explore the steps required to create a working SOAP client using the Go programming language.

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) web services are a type of communication technology that allows structured data to be exchanged between applications on different platforms. Creating a SOAP client in Go may seem complicated, but with the right knowledge and tools, its a relatively simple process. In this guide, well explore the steps required to create a working SOAP client using the Go programming language.

To work with SOAP web services in Go, well use a library called github.com/tiaguinho/gosoap . Lets install it using the command:

go get github.com/tiaguinho/gosoap

You can now create a file called main.go in your project directory and start coding for the SOAP client.

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Definisci l'URL del servizio SOAP

	// Crea un oggetto client SOAP
	client := gosoap.NewClient(url)

	// Costruisci il messaggio SOAP
	message := gosoap.Request{
		"MethodName": gosoap.Params{
			"ParamName": "ParamValue",

	// Effettua la chiamata al servizio SOAP
	response, err := client.Call("MethodName", message)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Errore durante la chiamata al servizio SOAP:", err)

	// Stampa la risposta del servizio

In the code above, replace URL_DEL_SERVIZIO_SOAP with the actual URL of the SOAP service you want to access. Also change MethodName and ParamName to the appropriate values for the SOAP service you are using.

Once youve finished coding, you can run the SOAP client using the command:

go run main.go

The client will make a call to the SOAP service and print the received response.


Creating a SOAP client in Go may seem complicated at first, but with the right libraries and a basic understanding of SOAP communication concepts, you can create a working client in just a few steps. By following this guide, youll have the basics of interacting with SOAP web services using the Go programming language.