Go: the advantages of function currying

Go: the advantages of function currying

While Go is known for its clear and concise syntax, it can appear to lack some advanced features found in other languages. However, with the right approach, function currying can also be implemented in Go.

Function currying is an advanced concept in programming that brings flexibility and clarity to code design. While Go is known for its clear and concise syntax, it can appear to lack some advanced features found in other languages. However, with the right approach, function currying can also be implemented in Go.

Function currying is a technique that involves transforming a function with multiple arguments into a sequence of functions with a single argument each. In practice, this results in a series of nested functions, each taking a single argument and returning a new function that takes the next argument.

For example, if we have a add function that takes two arguments, a and b, currying allows us to obtain a sequence of functions as follows:

func add(a int) func(int) int {
     return func(b int) int {
         return a + b

Now we can use this sequence of functions in various ways, for example:

result := add(3)(4) // returns 7

In Go, we don't have native support for currying, but we can take advantage of the flexibility of the language to achieve a similar result. We use closures and anonymous functions to achieve the desired effect.

package main

import "fmt"

func curryAdd(a int) func(int) int {
     return func(b int) int {
         return a + b

func main() {
     addTwo := curryAdd(2)
     result := addTwo(3)
     fmt.Println(result) // Print 5

In this example, we created a curryAdd function that takes an a argument and returns an anonymous function. This latter function can then be called with a b argument, producing the desired result.

Implementing currying in Go offers several advantages:

  1. Flexibility in topic management

    Currying allows for greater flexibility in topic management. We can pass some arguments in advance, resulting in a partially applied function, and complete with other arguments later.

  2. Composition of functions

    Currying facilitates the composition of functions. We can create more complex functions by combining simpler functions, improving the readability and modularity of the code.

  3. Code reuse

    Currying promotes code reuse, as partially applied functions can be used in different contexts without duplicating logic.


Although Go does not provide function currying natively, it is possible to implement this technique by taking advantage of the language's features. The use of currying can lead to clearer, more flexible, and modular code, improving maintainability and readability. Experiment with this technique and evaluate how it can be integrated into your Go projects to gain significant benefits.