JavaScript: how to create a date range for the date input field

In this article we will see how to dynamically create a range for a date input field with JavaScript.

The date input has the min and max attributes which are used to set the minimum and maximum date for a date selection. These attributes must both have a string value in a valid date format (for example YYYY-mm-dd).

We can then implement the following solution:

'use strict';

const formatDate = date => {
    return date.toISOString().split('T')[0]; // YYYY-mm-dd

const setDateRange = (inputElement, startDate, endDate) => {
    inputElement.setAttribute('min', formatDate(startDate));
    inputElement.setAttribute('max', formatDate(endDate));

const inputDate = document.getElementById('date');

const now = new Date();
const year = now.getFullYear();
const nextMonth = now.getMonth() + 1;
const nextDay = now.getDate();

setDateRange(inputDate, now, new Date(year, nextMonth, nextDay));

In this example we have narrowed the date selection from the current day down to one month in the future. The formatDate() function makes use of the ISO format to convert a Date object to the YYYY-mm-dd format so that we can use it with the min and max attributes.

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