JavaScript: how to get data URLs from images

In web development, a common feature is to allow users to upload images to forms, which can then be viewed or processed before being sent to a server. JavaScript offers various tools to handle these types of operations, including the FileReader API and the Promise concept. In this article, we will explore how to use FileReader in conjunction with Promise to obtain a data URL from an uploaded image, thus allowing it to be viewed or processed on the client side.

The goal is to read a user-selected image file (for example, through a file-type input field) and convert it to a data URL that can be displayed in a <img> or used for other processing. This process involves creating an instance of FileReader and using the readAsDataURL method, which reads the file and encodes it in base64, generating a URL representing the data of the image.

Here's how you can do it, incorporating Promise to handle asynchrony:

function getFileDataUrl(file) {
   return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
     // Create a FileReader instance
     const reader = new FileReader();

     // Manages file loading
     reader.onload = () => resolve(reader.result);

     // Handle any errors
     reader.onerror = error => reject(error);

     // Read the file as a data URL

After defining the getFileDataUrl function, here's how it can be used in practice:

// Takes the reference to the input element of type file
const fileInput = document.querySelector('.file');

fileInput.addEventListener('change', event => {
   // Gets the first selected file
   const file =[0];

   if (file) {
     getFileDataUrl(file).then(url => {
       // Use the data URL, for example displaying it in an img element
       document.querySelector('img').src = url;
     }).catch(error => {
       console.error("Error reading the file:", error);

This code adds a handler for the change event of the file input element. When a file is selected, the getFileDataUrl function is called with the file as the argument. The returned promise is then resolved with the URL of the image data, which can be used to set the src attribute of a <img> element, allowing it to visualization.


Using FileReader and Promise together provides a powerful and efficient way to handle loading and reading files in JavaScript asynchronously. This approach not only improves the maintainability of the code but also opens the door to a wide range of client-side data manipulation possibilities, improving interactivity and user experience in modern web applications.

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