JavaScript: using the local storage

The local storage is a powerful feature of the web storage which allows us to save data on the user's browser as strings organized as key/value pairs. The main object is localStorage and the storage persists even after the end of a browser's session.

Reading and saving data

To save data we use the setItem() method which accepts two parameters: the name of the key and the data string:

localStorage.setItem('test', '1');

Now we have the key test and a numeric string. We can read its value with the getItem() method:

console.log(localStorage.getItem('test')); // '1'

Deleting keys

To delete a key we can use the removeItem() method:


console.log(localStorage.getItem('test')); // null

Erasing all data

To completely remove all data from the storage we use the clear() method:


Getting the name of a key

To get the name of a key we use the key() method:

console.log(localStorage.key('test')); // 'test'

Getting the total number of all keys

We can know how many keys are contained within our storage by using the length property of the localStorage object:

console.log(localStorage.length); // 1

Storing JavaScript objects

By default all values are treated as strings. To store objects we need to use the JSON.stringify() and JSON.parse() methods:

localStorage.setItem('test', JSON.stringify({name: 'value'}));
console.log(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('test')).name); // 'value'


The local storage has currently two limits: the lack of support in older versions of Internet Explorer and the maximum size allowed for the storage, which varies from browser to browsers and it's about from 5 to 10 Megabytes, depending on the browser.

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