jQuery: AJAX pagination with PHP

AJAX pagination is made up of two components: a server-side script that processes the AJAX requests on each link and the client-side code that actually send the requests. In this tutorial we're going to use PHP for the server-side part and jQuery for making AJAX requests. The choice of PHP and jQuery is irrelevant for our purposes: the important thing here is to understand how pagination works.

How pagination works

In SQL ( we're going to use the MySQL dialect here ) a LIMIT clause can specify two things:

  1. If used with a single parameter, it specifies the total number of results to fetch.
  2. If used with two parameters ( comma-separated ), the first parameter indicates the start offset and the second parameter the total number of results to fetch.

Consider the following MySQL queries:


The first query selects the first three posts from the database, while the second one moves the start offset ( which starts at 0 by default ) by 3 positions and specifies that the total number of posts must be 3.

So the offset sequence for the two queries will be as follows:

  1. 0, 1, 2
  2. 3, 4, 5

Pagination uses the second type of query. The start offset changes dynamically and is calculated with the following formula:

offset = ( pageNumber * resultsPerPage ) - resultsPerPage

So if we are on page 2, the start offset in our case will be 3 ( ( 2 * 3 ) - 3 ). If we are on page 3, the start offset will be 6 ( ( 3 * 3 ) - 3 ). And so on.

Using PHP for processing AJAX requests

PHP processes all the GET requests sent by jQuery by performing the following steps:

  1. Validates the page parameter by making sure that is a valid integer.
  2. Calculates the start offset.
  3. Runs the MySQL query.
  4. Returns and outputs the results as an HTML string.

The first step is data validation:

$start = 0;
$end = 3; // Results per page
$value = 0; // Offset to be calculated

if( isset( $_GET[ 's'] ) ) {

	$taintedStart = $_GET[ 's' ];
	// We take 2 just for the sake of the example

	if( strlen( $taintedStart ) <= 2 ) {
	    // Raw conversion

		$s = intval( $taintedStart );

        // Is it a valid integer?
		if( filter_var( $s, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT ) ) {

			if( $s > $start ) { // Greater than 0?
				$start = $s;





Then we calculate the start offset:

$value = ( $start * $end ) - $end;

Finally, we run the query and output the resulting HTML string:

$db = new DB( 'host', 'username', 'password', 'database' );
$posts = $db->getResults( "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE post_type = 'post' AND post_status = 'publish' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $value,$end" );

$html = '';

foreach( $posts as $post => $content ) {
	$postContent = $content['post_excerpt'];
	$postTitle = $content['post_title'];
	$date = strtotime( $content['post_date'] );
	$postDate = strftime( '%d-%m-%Y', $date );

	$html .= sprintf( '<h3>%s</h3><small>%s</small><p>%s</p>', $postTitle, $postDate, $postContent );

echo $html;

Using jQuery to make AJAX requests

Compared to the PHP code, the jQuery code required for our task is really simple:

(function( $ ) {
	$(function() {
		$( "a", "#pagination" ).on( "click", function( e ) {
			var $a = $( this );

			$a.addClass( "current" ).
			removeClass( "current" );

			var page = $a.data( "page" );
			$.get( "ajax.php", { s: page }, function( html ) {
				$( "#content" ).html( html );



})( jQuery );

We simply run a GET request by passing the page number stored on each link as a data attribute as the sole parameter.


The following video shows our AJAX pagination in action.


You can find the code used in this tutorial on GitHub.

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