On single-page apps it's very important to keep track of user's actions especially if the current page won't be reloaded often (this usually happens on AJAX-driven apps). Suppose that we have a series of buttons and we want to mark a button as inactive after a given period of time. This can be easily achieved with jQuery.
We say that a button is inactive only if it's not been clicked after n-seconds. To accomplish our task we basically need a timer that checks whether a button has been flagged as clicked. We can flag a button as clicked by using data attributes and also applying a special CSS class to it (in order to visually identify it as active).
Here's our implementation:
(function( $ ) {
$.fn.disable = function( options ) {
options = $.extend({
interval: 3000,
disabledClass: "disabled"
}, options);
return this.each(function() {
var $element = $( this );
$element.data( "disable", true );
var timer = setInterval(function() {
if( !$element.data( "activated" ) ) {
if( !$element.hasClass( options.disabledClass ) ) {
$element.addClass( options.disabledClass );
}, options.interval);
$element.on( "click", function() {
clearInterval( timer );
if( $element.hasClass( options.disabledClass ) ) {
$element.removeClass( options.disabledClass );
$element.data( "activated", true );
$(function() {
$( ".btn" ).each(function() {
var $btn = $( this );
if( !$btn.data( "disable" ) ) {
$btn.disable().on( "click", function( e ) {
})( jQuery );
You can see the demo below.
See the Pen jQuery: check if buttons are active by Gabriele Romanato (@gabrieleromanato) on CodePen.