jQuery: get Twitter followers count

Twitter provides a public JSONP feed for each user where we can find also the number of followers associated to each account (the followers_count property of the returned JSON object). Let's see how to fetch this datum with jQuery.

We can create the following plugin:

(function($) {
    $.fn.twitterFollowers = function(options) {

        var that = this;
        options = $.extend({
            username: 'gabromanato'
        }, options);
        var apiURL = 'https://api.twitter.com/1/users/show.json?screen_name=' + options.username + '&callback=?';

        return that.each(function() {

            $.getJSON(apiURL, function(data) {

                $(that).text(data.followers_count + ' followers');




Our plugin accepts a Twitter username as its sole parameter. Bear in mind that you have to specify the callback string &callback=? in order to make the AJAX request work. If you don't specify this URL parameter, you'll get the Same Domain Policy restriction.

Here's an example:


You can see the demo below.


Live demo

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