Organizing and structuring files in a Go application

Organizing and structuring files in a Go application

In this article, we'll explore best practices for organizing files in a Go application.

The organization of files in a Go application is of fundamental importance to ensure the readability, maintainability and scalability of the code. A well-organized structure helps developers find the code they need easily, collaborate efficiently, and avoid confusion during the development process. In this article, we'll explore best practices for organizing files in a Go application.

The basic structure

A common basic structure for a Go application might look like this:

├── cmd/
│ ├── main.go
├── pkg/
│ ├── mymodule/
│ ├── mymodule.go
├── internal/
│ ├── myprivatemodule/
│ ├── myprivatemodule.go
│ ├── static/
│ ├── templates/
├── migrations/
├── tests/
  1. cmd: This directory contains the application startup files. Each subdirectory represents an application entry point. For example, cmd/main.go could contain the main entry point of the application.

  2. pkg: Here reside packages that can be used from outside the application. Packages in this directory should be well documented and stable, as other projects may rely on them.

  3. internal: This directory contains packages which are intended for use only within the application. Code within this directory cannot be imported by other modules outside the project.

  4. web: This directory contains the files related to the web part of the application, such as static resources and HTML templates.

  5. configs: Application configuration files are stored here, for example JSON, YAML or other formats.

  6. migrations: If your application uses a database, this directory may contain database migration scripts .

  7. tests: Application tests are located here.

  8. A README file that provides essential information about the application, such as installation, configuration, and running instructions.

Naming conventions

Using a consistent naming convention is essential to making your code more readable and understandable. Some common conventions include:

  • Lowercase package and module names: For example, mymodule instead of MyModule.
  • Using snake_case for package names file: For example, my_module.go instead of MyModule.go.

Splitting logic

Dividing your application logic into separate logical packages and modules helps keep your code uncluttered. For example, you might have one package for handling authentication, another for database operations, and so on.


Ensure that every package, module, and function is properly documented. Using clear and concise comments makes it easier for developers to understand how to use and interact with the code.


Managing dependencies is essential to avoid future problems. Use the Go module (go mod) to manage external dependencies and be sure to specify dependency versions explicitly.

Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD)

Integrating CI/CD into your development process helps automate application testing, builds, and release. Tools like Travis CI, CircleCI or GitHub Actions can be used to automate these tasks.

Keep clean

Periodically, take the time to clean up unused code, fix warnings, and keep your file organization consistent. A clean structure greatly simplifies the ongoing maintenance of the application.


Organizing files in a Go application is a fundamental part of software development. A well-defined and consistent structure simplifies the development process, collaboration and long-term maintenance. Investing time in organizing the code at the beginning of the project can save a lot of time and effort in the future.