Python: routes and routing with parameters in Flask

Python: routes and routing with parameters in Flask

One of the key features of Flask that contribute to its versatility is the ability to define routes with parameters.

Flask, a popular web framework in the Python ecosystem, provides a flexible and powerful way to build web applications. One of the key features that contribute to its versatility is the ability to define routes with parameters. This functionality allows developers to create dynamic and interactive web applications by handling variable inputs in the URL.

Understanding Routes in Flask

In Flask, a route is a URL pattern associated with a function that gets executed when the pattern is matched. Routes are defined by default using the @app.route() decorator in Flask, where app is an instance of the Flask class. Here's a basic example of a route without parameters:

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def home():
    return 'Welcome to the home page!'

In this example, accessing the root URL (/) triggers the execution of the home() function, which returns a simple welcome message.

Introducing Route Parameters

Route parameters in Flask allow you to capture variable values from the URL, enabling dynamic content and interaction. Parameters are specified by enclosing them in < and > brackets within the route pattern. Let's create a simple example to illustrate route parameters:

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def greet_user(username):
    return f'Hello, {username}!'

In this example, the route /user/<username> defines a parameter named username. The greet_user() function takes this parameter as an argument, allowing us to access the dynamic value specified in the URL. For instance, visiting /user/John would display "Hello, John!".

Handling Multiple Parameters

Flask supports handling multiple parameters in a route. You can include as many parameters as needed by separating them with slashes. Let's modify our previous example to include both a username and an age parameter:

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def greet_user(username, age):
    return f'Hello, {username}! You are {age} years old.'

In this updated example, we've added an <int:age> parameter, which ensures that the age parameter is treated as an integer. Now, visiting /user/John/25 would display "Hello, John! You are 25 years old."

URL Building with url_for()

Flask provides the url_for() function, which simplifies the process of building URLs for routes with parameters. This function takes the name of the target function and any parameters as arguments, returning the corresponding URL. Here's an example:

from flask import Flask, url_for

app = Flask(__name__)

def greet_user(username, age):
    return f'Hello, {username}! You are {age} years old.'

# Using url_for to generate a URL
url = url_for('greet_user', username='Alice', age=30)
print(url)  # Output: /user/Alice/30

The url_for() function dynamically generates the URL for the specified route, making it easy to handle URLs in a consistent and maintainable manner.


Routes with parameters in Flask provide a powerful mechanism for creating dynamic and interactive web applications. By capturing variable values from the URL, developers can build flexible and personalized user experiences. Whether handling a single parameter or multiple parameters, Flask's routing system enables the creation of robust web applications that respond to user inputs in a dynamic and efficient manner.