Should I use Go? A comparison with JavaScript, Python and PHP

Should I use Go? A comparison with JavaScript, Python and PHP

In this article we're going to provide a comparison between Go and three popular web programming languages (JavaScript, Python and PHP) in order to help you with choosing the right solution for your web projects.

In this article we're going to provide a comparison between Go and three popular web programming languages (JavaScript, Python and PHP) in order to help you with choosing the right solution for your web projects.

Go and JavaScript

Let's recap Go's main features:

  1. Performance: Go is a statically typed compiled language, which means it can be significantly faster than JavaScript in certain use cases. Its compiled nature allows it to be highly performant, making it a great choice for building high-throughput and low-latency applications.

  2. Concurrency: One of Go's standout features is its built-in support for concurrent programming through Goroutines and Channels. This makes it particularly well-suited for developing applications that require efficient handling of concurrent tasks, such as web servers and microservices.

  3. Safety: Go includes features like strong typing and memory safety, which help reduce the likelihood of runtime errors and security vulnerabilities. This can be a significant advantage when developing mission-critical applications.

  4. Standard Library: Go boasts a robust standard library that covers a wide range of functionality, making it easy to build applications without relying heavily on third-party packages.

JavaScript, on the other hand, is a dynamic, interpreted programming language that was originally created for web development. Over the years, JavaScript has evolved and expanded its reach beyond the browser, becoming a versatile language for both client and server-side development.

  1. Versatility: JavaScript is the de facto language for web development, making it a go-to choice for building interactive web applications. It can be used for both frontend and backend development through runtime environments like Node.js.

  2. Large Ecosystem: JavaScript boasts a vast ecosystem of libraries and frameworks, such as React, Angular, and Vue.js, which simplify the development of complex web applications. This extensive community support can be a significant advantage when tackling various projects.

  3. Ease of Learning: JavaScript is relatively easy to learn, making it accessible to beginners and experienced developers alike. Its loose typing system and flexibility allow developers to quickly prototype and iterate on their code.

  4. Asynchronous Programming: JavaScript excels at handling asynchronous tasks, thanks to its event-driven, non-blocking nature. This is crucial for building responsive web applications that can handle multiple user interactions simultaneously.

Go and Python

Go and Python are two very popular programming languages with different features and goals. Both have their strengths and weaknesses, which makes them suitable for different purposes.

Programming style


  • Python is known for its clear and readable syntax, making it a great language for beginners.
  • It is based on an object-oriented approach and also supports imperative and functional programming.
  • Python is interpreted, which means that code can be written and run quickly without the need for separate compilation.

Go (Golang):

  • Go promotes a more rigorous and concise programming style. Its syntax is more compact than Python.
  • The language is designed for concurrency, making it an excellent choice for applications that require concurrency and thread management.
  • Go is compiled to native code, making it generally faster than Python, but it requires a compilation phase.



  • Python is known to be slower than many other languages, due to its dynamic type interpretation and handling.
  • However, it is important to note that many Python libraries use C/C++ code under the hood to improve performance.

Go (Golang):

  • Go is designed to be fast and efficient, with execution times generally much shorter than Python.
  • Memory management in Go is more predictable than in Python, thanks to its C-style reference handling.



  • Python has limited concurrency support, but libraries such as asyncio or multiprocessing can be used to handle tasks in parallel.
  • The GIL (Global Interpreter Lock) in Python can limit performance in multithreaded applications.

Go (Golang):

  • Go is known for its native support for concurrency via goroutines and channels.
  • Goroutines are lightweight and allow you to easily handle thousands of tasks in parallel, making Go an excellent choice for high-performance and distributed applications.

Ecosystem and community


  • Python has a large and active developer community, with a wide range of libraries and frameworks available.
  • It is widely used in industries such as web development (Django, Flask), data analytics (NumPy, pandas), artificial intelligence (TensorFlow, PyTorch) and more.

Go (Golang):

  • Go has a growing community and offers libraries and frameworks for developing web applications (Gin, Echo), microservices (gRPC), and more.
  • The language is particularly suitable for system applications and network infrastructures.

Easy to learn


  • Python is known for its ease of learning due to its readable and intuitive syntax.
  • It is a popular choice for beginners and those who want to start programming.

Go (Golang):

  • Go has a steeper learning curve than Python, but offers a more rigorous approach to programming.
  • It is considered best suited to experienced developers looking for higher performance and control.

Go and PHP

Go (Golang) is widely used for developing backend services, distributed systems, and high-performance applications.

PHP, on the other hand, is a widely used programming language for web development. It was created for specific web development purposes and has a long history in the industry. PHP is known for its simplicity and the large developer community that supports it.


One of the main differences between Go and PHP is their performance. Go is known for its high-level performance thanks to its compilation into machine language. It is particularly suitable for high-performance applications that require rapid data processing, such as web services and distributed applications. PHP, on the other hand, is interpreted and can be less efficient in some situations. However, with the use of PHP accelerators such as APC or opcache, the performance of PHP applications can be significantly improved.

Easy to learn

In terms of ease of learning, PHP has an advantage. It is known for being easy to learn, especially for those who have experience with other languages. PHP's syntax is intuitive and easy to read.

Go, while not particularly complex, can take longer to fully learn, especially if you're new to programming. Its syntax is more rigorous and has some advanced features that may take some time to master. However, once you become familiar with Go, you will find that it is a very powerful and flexible language.

Scalability and concurrency

Go is known for its excellent concurrency management, thanks to goroutines and channels. It is an ideal language for developing highly scalable applications that require efficient management of concurrent requests. PHP can handle concurrency, but often requires the use of external libraries or specific frameworks to do it efficiently.

Community and support

Both Go and PHP have active developer communities, but PHP has a much larger community and a long history in the world of web development. This means that there are plenty of resources available online, third-party libraries, and frameworks to make web development with PHP easier. Go has a younger but rapidly growing community with a growing user base and resources available.

Choosing the right tool

Ultimately, the choice between Go and other languages depends on your project's specific requirements and goals.

Choose Go if:

  • You need high performance and low-level control over system resources.
  • Concurrency and parallelism are essential for your application.
  • You want a statically typed language with strong safety features.
  • You're building a backend service or system-level application.
  • You're working with a Cloud infrastructure (e.g. Docker and Kubernetes).