Using background commands in Bash and the wait command

Using background commands in Bash and the wait command

In this article, we'll explore how background commands work, how to use them, and how the wait command can be used to synchronize operations.

In the world of programming and Unix-like systems management, the Bash shell (Bourne Again Shell) is a fundamental tool for running commands and scripts. One of Bash's most powerful and often overlooked features is the ability to run commands in the background and manage them efficiently using the wait command. In this article, we'll explore how background commands work, how to use them, and how the wait command can be used to synchronize operations.

When you run a command in Bash, it usually runs in "foreground" mode, blocking the shell until the command finishes. However, you can run a command in the background by appending a & to the end of the command line. This allows you to continue using the shell while the command is running.


long_running_task &

In this example, long_running_task is running in the background. The Bash shell immediately returns control to the user, allowing the user to continue executing other commands while long_running_task is still running.

When a command is running in the background, Bash returns a job number (for example [1]) and the PID (Process ID) of the process that was just launched. You can display a list of active jobs using the jobs command:


This command will show the currently running background commands, along with their status (Running, Stopped, etc.).

The wait command in Bash is used to wait for a background process to complete. This command can be used without arguments, in which case it waits for all currently running background processes to complete, or it can be followed by the specific PID or job number to wait for just that process.


wait %1

In this example, wait %1 waits for the process identified as job 1 to complete. You can also specify a PID:

wait 12345

This waits for the process with PID 12345 to complete.

Running commands in the background and using the wait command are especially useful in situations where you need to run multiple operations at once and synchronize them when they finish.

For example, consider a simple backup script that copies several large files:


cp /path/to/largefile1 /backup/location/ &
cp /path/to/largefile2 /backup/location/ &
cp /path/to/largefile3 /backup/location/ &


echo "Backup completed!"

In this script, the copy operations are performed simultaneously, reducing the overall time required to complete the backup. The wait command ensures that the script does not continue until all copies have been completed, ensuring that echo is only executed when the backup is actually finished.


Using background commands in Bash, combined with the wait command, provides a powerful tool for managing parallel execution and process control. This technique is essential for optimizing operations, reducing waiting times, and ensuring that critical tasks are properly synchronized. Mastering these features can significantly improve the efficiency and flexibility of process management in Unix-like environments.