WordPress: implementing the body_id() function to assign a different ID to each section of a site

CSS specifications state that an ID selector is more specific than a class selector from the cascading perspective. Nevertheless, WordPress provides only a body_class() function at the moment. We can assign a different ID to each section of a WordPress site by implementing a body_id() function. Let's see the details.

Here's our function:

if(!function_exists('body_id')) {
	function body_id() {
		global $post;
		global $wp_query;
		$post_id = $post->ID;
		$id = '';
		if(is_home() || is_front_page()) {
			$id = 'home';
		if(is_single()) {
			$id = 'post-' . $post_id;
		if(is_page()) {
			$id = 'page-' . $post_id;
		if(is_paged()) {
			$current_page = $wp_query->query_vars['paged'];
			if($current_page > 0) {
				$id = 'paged-' . $current_page;
		if(is_category() || is_archive()) {
			$cat_name = get_query_var('category_name');
			if(!empty($cat_name)) {
				$id = 'category-' . $cat_name;
			} else {
				$id = 'archive';
		if(is_tag()) {
			$id = 'tag-' . get_query_var('tag');
		if(is_404()) {
			$id = 'error404';
		echo ' id="'. $id .'" ';

An example of how to use this function in your theme:

<body <?php body_id(); ?>>
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