Functions in Bash

Functions in Bash

In this article, we will explore what functions are in Bash, how they are defined, what their main characteristics are, and how to use them effectively.

Functions in Bash are a fundamental concept for writing efficient and modular scripts. They allow you to reuse code, reduce repetition, and improve the maintainability of your scripts. In this article, we will explore what functions are in Bash, how they are defined, what their main characteristics are, and how to use them effectively.

A function in Bash is a block of code that can be defined once and called multiple times during the execution of a script. Functions are useful for grouping commands that perform a specific task, reducing the need to repeat the same code in multiple places.

In Bash, a function can be defined using the following syntax:

function my_func {
  # Commands

Or, in a more compact form:

my_func() {
  # Commands

Both syntaxes are equivalent. Here's a simple example:

greet() {
  echo "Hi, $1!"

This function, greet, takes one argument and prints a greeting. $1 refers to the first argument passed to the function.

Once defined, a function can be called simply by its name:

greet "There"

The output will be:

Hi, There!

Arguments can be passed to a function in the same way they are passed to scripts. Arguments are accessible within the function via $1, $2, $3, and so on. If you want to access all the arguments passed, you can use $@ or $*.


multiply() {
  result=$(($1 * $2))
  echo "The result is: $result"

multiply 3 4


The result is: 12

In Bash, a function can return a value using the return command. However, the return value can only be an integer between 0 and 255. To return more complex values ​​(such as strings), you can use echo or assign the result to a variable.

Example of returning a status code:

check_file() {
  if [ -e "$1" ]; then
    return 0
    return 1

check_file "test.txt"

if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
  echo "File exists."
  echo "File does not exist."

Variables declared inside a function in Bash have a global scope by default. This means that if a variable is changed inside a function, the change will also affect the context outside the function. To avoid this, you can use local variables.


my_script() {
  local local_var="Hello"
  echo "$local_var"


Here, local_var is visible only inside the my_script function.

Let's see how to combine multiple functions in a script to perform a more complex task. Suppose we want to create a script that manages a simple logging system.


log() {
    local level="$1"
    local message="$2"
    local date_time=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    echo "[$date_time] [$level] $message"

info() {
    log "INFO" "$1"

error() {
    log "ERROR" "$1"

cmd() {
    local command="$1"
    if $command; then
        info "$command executed successfully."
        error "$command failed to execute."

# Usage
cmd "ls /non_existing"
cmd "echo 'This works'"

This script defines three functions: log, info, error, and cmd. The log function centralizes the management of the log message format. The info and error functions are simply shortcuts to log informational and error messages, respectively. The cmd function executes a command and logs a success or error message depending on the result.


Functions in Bash are a powerful tool for improving the organization and maintainability of your scripts. With a proper understanding of their characteristics and proper use, you can write more scalable, reusable, and maintainable Bash scripts. Although Bash's functions are simple compared to those in more complex programming languages, they offer enough flexibility to cover a wide range of scripting needs.