Using Supabase in Python

Supabase is an open-source alternative to Firebase that provides a PostgreSQL database, authentication, storage, and serverless functions. In this guide, we will see how to use Supabase with Python to manage data in a database.


First, let's install the Supabase Python client:

pip install supabase


To connect to Supabase, you need to obtain the URL and API key from your Supabase project.

from supabase import create_client, Client

url = ""
key = "your-anon-key"
supabase: Client = create_client(url, key)

Inserting Data

To add data to a table, we use the insert method:

data = {"nome": "Mario", "cognome": "Rossi", "email": ""}
response = supabase.table("utenti").insert(data).execute()

Reading Data

To read data from a table, we use the select method:

response = supabase.table("utenti").select("*").execute()

Updating Data

To update a specific record, we can use the update method:

response = supabase.table("utenti").update({"email": ""}).eq("nome", "Mario").execute()

Deleting Data

To delete a record, we use the delete method:

response = supabase.table("utenti").delete().eq("nome", "Mario").execute()

Authentication Management

Supabase provides an authentication system based on email and password. To register a user:

response = supabase.auth.sign_up({"email": "", "password": "password123"})

To log in:

response = supabase.auth.sign_in_with_password({"email": "", "password": "password123"})


Supabase is a powerful platform that simplifies database and authentication management in Python. With this guide, you have the basics to start using Supabase in your project.

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